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About Cadet 360

Cadet 360 was created as a solution to the difficult nature of providing interactive and engaging shipboard experience to students in the Maritime Transportation and Engineering fields. Although Cadet experience on operating vessels and Simulation Exercise provide valuable platforms, there are times when particular evolutions are too costly, unsafe, or impractical to replicate for every student. This lead to the use of VR Training Videos to provide a platform for all students to witness these operations in a format which replicates having been there. 

In addition to VR Training Videos, technology allows for a rapidly advancing landscape to continue exploring and creating unique and beneficial learning opportunities. Because of this, we are using this website as a platform to share some of these materials so that mariners can better prepare for their future employment and ensure higher levels of safety on the high seas.


Tamera Jody Reul Gilmartin

Creator of Cadet 360

Tamera currently works as an Associate Professor at the State University of New York Maritime College within the Marine Transportation Department. She currently holds a USCG Masters Unlimited License, and a Qualified Member of the Engine Department Certificate. She spent her sailing career primarily on board Research Vessels with NOAA and Oregon State University, however she has also sailed with Matson, Maersk, and Military Sea Lift Command. She also sailed as a Sea Trials Bridge Officer with Sea Trials Command Organization out of San Diego on vessels including a 3,100 TEU LNG powered container ship, and a large diesel-electric naval auxiliary vessel.


Tamera currently has a PhD in Curriculum and Instruction at New Mexico State University and a Masters of Arts in Learning and Emerging Technologies along with a STEM Teaching Certificate at SUNY Empire State College. This educational background allowed Tamera to explore best practices for education and the integration of technology. Her focus on experiential learning in this program lead her to explore the use of 360 Degree Videos and Virtual Reality as a teaching platform and is currently developing material for it's use in maritime education and training along with researching best pedagogues associated with this technology. She has conducted several studies, served as Primary Investigator on several grant funded projects, and has spoken at several conferences around the world, focusing on Virtual Reality and how it can best be used for education.

Interested in working with us to create new materials for education? Please contact us!

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