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Papers, Presentations
& Conferences

360 Degree Images and Virtual Reality are emerging technologies and we are constantly learning and sharing information related to these exciting new advancements. Below are some papers and presentations by Tamera Gilmartin covering topics related to these technologies.

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VR Training Videos
IAMU AGA20 Conference
Tokyo, Japan
Oct 30 - Nov 2, 2019

Paper by Tamera Gilmartin, discussing the work with VR Training Videos being completed at SUNY Maritime College along with an analysis of the data collected during the initial stages of implementing VR Training Videos alongside normal clarroom instruction.

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Pilot Study: Effectiveness of 360 Degree Videos

SUNY Empire State College
July 20, 2018

Conducted a Pilot Study to test the effectiveness of an instructional design integrating 360 Degree Videos into a standard lesson format. This study was Tamera Gilmartin's culminating Final Project in the Masters of Arts in Learning and Emerging Technologies program at SUNY Empire State College. 

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SUNY Board of Trustees
Academic Affairs Meeting

Morrisville, NY
May 3, 2018

Presented on SUNY Maritime's current use of Simulators as a platform for experiential learning and created a Virtual Tour of SUNY Maritime's Simulators using 360 Degree Video and Virtual Reality headsets. Explained that SUNY Maritime is a leader in experiential learning methods, utilizing real-world, simulator platforms, and is workign towards integrating Virtual Reality by exploring 360 Degree Videos and other VR patforms.

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VR in Maritime Education
INSLC20 Conference
Auckland, New Zealand
September 10 - 13, 2018 

Paper by Tamera Gilmartin and Jeffrey Spillane discussing Virtual Reality and it's use in the sector of Maritime Education. Presents a literary review on VR and Maritime Education along with a description of how VR is currently being applied at SUNY Maritime College through the use of an AR/VR Welding Simulator as well as 360 Degree Videos.

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STEM Summer Institute

Alfred, NY
July 29 - 31, 2018

Presented a Poster Presentation along with a Technology Presentation on current use of 360 Degree Videos and VR at SUNY Maritime College.

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